In normal applications, if there is a problem with our capacitor, the simplest solution is to use the same specification.The new capacitor of the grid is replaced. So if this capacitor is no longer produced and does not have the same specifications, what should I do ? Then, it can be solved by replacement if the following principles are followed.
1 Paper capacitor & ceramic capacitor
For example, if paper capacitor and ceramic capacitor are to be replaced with each other, the premise is that they must be.It can be
replaced only when the withstand voltage is the same and the volume is not limited.
2 Metallized paper capacitor & mica capacitor
When using metallized paper capacitor to replace mica capacitor, the operating frequency and insulation resistance must be.If the demand
is not high, the capacitor must be replaced under the condition of equal withstand voltage and capacity
3 Mica capacitor & metallized paper capacitor
When using mica capacitor to replace metallized paper capacitor, they must be consistent in size, withstand voltage and capacitance.Under
conditions. One aspect that needs to be considered is that the replacement cost must also be estimated.
4 Metallized paper capacitor & glass glaze capacitor
Metalized paper capacitor with the same capacity and withstand voltage can be used instead of glass when the frequency effect is not
considered.Glazed capacitor.
5 Non-sealed capacitor & sealed capacitor
It must be a non-sealed capacitor with the same capacity and withstand voltage when the requirement for moisture resistance is not high.
Enough to replace the sealed capacitor, otherwise the capacitor will deteriorate due to poor sealing and moisture.
6 Replacement between capacitor of equal capacity
Capacitor with equal capacity and high withstand voltage can replace capacitor with low withstand voltage without restrictions.Small errors
can replace large errors
7 In the case of parallel connection
Small capacitor with different capacities can replace large capacitor when two or more different withstand voltages are connected in
parallel Use, the withstand voltage after parallel connection is subject to the minimum withstand voltage of the capacitor
8 In the case of series connection
Large capacitor can replace small capacitor under the condition of connecting two or more different capacitances and withstand voltages .in series, and each one in series.The voltage drop on the capacitor must be within the allowable range of the capacitor withstand voltage.
I’m here for everyone. I believe everyone knows about the replacement of capacitor. If you need to find capacitor,For specific parameters, please come to consult