Rectifier diode is a semiconductor device used to convert alternating current into direct current. The most important characteristic of a diode is its unidirectional conductivity. In the circuit, current can only flow in from the anode of t
A device that converts alternating current into direct current electrical energy. Usually it contains a PN junction with two positive and negative electrodes. The most important
Product name: SMD rectifier diode Product series: 4148 4001 4007 2222 5551 5401 5819 Package: LL34, DO-214, SOT-89, SOD-123, SOD-323
SMD transistors are also called semiconductor transistors and bipolar transistors. Transistors are semiconductor devices that use current to control current. The main function is to amplify the weak signal into a larger amplitude electrical
SMD diode parameters Category: rectifier diode Product series: 4148 4001 4007 2222 5551 5401 5819 Package: ll34, do-214, sot-34, sot-89, sod-123, SOD-323
How to use rectifier diode? The rectifier diode is suitable for various electrical appliances that use DC as the working power supply. The AC in the power supply circuit is used as the DC power supply of the load circuit after rectification
With the advancement of technology, there are now many companies that have mastered the construction of 5G networks. According to statistics, Huawei has about 90 5G commercial cooperation; Ericsson has about 80 5G commercial cooperation
Rectifier diode generally use silicon or germanium material surface contact diode, which are characterized by low operating frequency, large forward current allowed, high reverse breakdown voltage, and high allowable operating temperature.
The rectifier diode is a semiconductor device that converts AC power into DC power through its unidirectional conductivity.